I’ll go anywhere for food…(not prison).

The best thing about travelling has been seeing what everyone else eats, what do people queue for or reserve or slaves over the hob for? If they are doing all those things it means it’s good, possibly amazing. From tiny snails at a Taiwanese night market to the biggest steaks you could lay your eyes on in Argentina, I’ve been there to try it… more than once.

50 – 43 Days… Going Cooking Crazy

Throughout South America I’ve cooked a lot. This has been a surprising development to my travels. When I travelled around South-East Asia I never dreamt of cooking, well I couldn’t have cooked even if I’d wanted to, beach bungalows don’t tend to come with kitchens! Plus in South-East Asia eating out is cheap, whether it’s at a roadside stall, a night market or even a respectable restaurant, eating out in South-East Asia never empties the purse. The same can not be said of South America.

56 – 51 Days… Where did all the change go?

Recently I was in a South American supermarket, a Bolivian supermarket in the city of Sucre to be more precise, waiting for my change. You’re probably thinking this seems normal enough and incredibly straight forward. You wait a millisecond for your change, the man/woman behind the till hands it over and BOOM you’re out the door with your shopping. Well, this is not the case in South America. As I was waiting patiently for my 3 Bolivianos change (that’s pretty much zero pence by the way) the man/woman behind the till started looking at me strangely and I thought uhoh here we go again.

62 – 60 Days… The Ultimate Dream

I’m staying in another lovely hostel at the moment, well I never like to call the places I stay hostels, despite hostel often being their name. Most often if you call a place a hostel, the word comes with a negative connotation, especially if you’re speaking to people who don’t travel on a budget or are of a certain generation. People tend to think…

82-79 Days… Border Crossings, a Brick Wall?

Recently my mum asked me a few questions about crossing land borders, as I’m up to my fourth border crossing on this South American tour. What happens? Is it safe? How do you do it? Is there anything separating one country from the next like a brick wall????

89 Days Remaining…Reminiscing

89 89 89 89 89 89 DAYS!!!

Isn’t reminiscing the best?? Today I’ve been reminiscing about the South American trip so far. I’m trying to decide which experiences have been the best so far…hmm…. very tricky, I’ve seen a lot, eaten a lot and done a lot…